product management

📖 [New Book] Lewis C. Lin's Decode and Conquer, 4th Edition 🎉 by Lewis Lin

I am happy to announce that I've published a brand new edition of Decode and Conquer, the product management interview prep book featuring the world-famous CIRCLES Method™.

What can you expect in the 4th edition? 

I've made 1000s of changes to reflect the latest trends in PM interviews and preparation techniques including:

Tradeoff Questions

I've introduced two new methods for answering tradeoff questions like:

  • Should a social media site’s videos default to autoplay or click-to-play?

  • How do you decide between a display ad or a “people you might know” widget in the newsfeed?

  • Should ConnectTogether require its users to upload profile pictures when they sign up?

The first method is an all-purpose qualitative framework called GCERGCER stands for Goal, Criteria, Evaluation, and Recommendation.

The other method is for more advanced scenarios, where interviewers expect you to calculate a hard P&L contribution between two options, which I call "before and after" analysis.

Metrics Questions

Those of you who have the 3rd edition noticed that I revamped the Metrics chapter, especially for those preparing for Facebook's dreaded execution interview. I've added new approaches to Metrics questions including:

  • The TROPIC framework to answer diagnosis questions like "Daily active users for the Facebook newsfeed dropped by 7 percent. How would you diagnose it?"

  • Guidelines for choosing North Star Metrics for B2C, enterprise software, eCommerce, mobile, and other business types

Strategy Questions

I've streamlined the section on strategy. I now recommend a simpler strategy framework while going into much more detail about key strategy playbooks including:

  • Differentiations strategies

  • Niche strategies

  • Market leadership strategies

  • Strategies for emerging markets

  • Strategies for developing markets

  • Strategies for mature markets

  • Strategies for shrinking markets

  • Option value strategies

  • Strategies to maintain a competitive edge

I have also created a subchapter that simply explains key strategic concepts, from Stratechery's aggregation theory to zero-sum games.

And more

I've rewritten many of the sample answers in the book, added new diagrams, and streamlined numerous explanations.

See why other readers have made Decode and Conquer, 4th Edition a #1 bestseller on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best way to get the book? 

The book is available on Amazon in various markets including:

  • US 🇺🇸

  • India 🇮🇳

  • Canada 🇨🇦

  • UK 🇬🇧

  • France 🇫🇷

  • Germany 🇩🇪

  • Japan 🇯🇵

  • Brazil 🇧🇷

  • Mexico 🇲🇽

Is there an electronic version of the book?

Yes! You can purchase the electronic version of Decode and Conquer 4th edition through Teachable. This electronic version is the best way for you to get the book instantly. 🏃 

The paperback version is not available in my country. How can I get Decode and Conquer, 4 ed.?

The electronic version is ideal if the paperback is not available in your home country.  

When will you release the Kindle version of this book?

Unfortunately, we will not be releasing the 4th edition of Decode and Conquer on Kindle.

Is a PDF version of the book available?

No, Decode and Conquer 4 ed. will not be available in PDF format.

I have the 2nd edition. Should I upgrade?

Absolutely yes! It's been almost 10 years since the 2nd edition. You deserve the most current and recent knowledge.

I have the 3rd edition. Should I upgrade?

This is a 50-50 proposition. If your copy of the 3rd edition is in good condition, you can get by with the 3rd edition.

However, if your 3rd edition is beat up and dog-eared, you deserve a fresh, clean copy with the improvements I've mentioned.

I heard you recently published a recent book on system design interviews. Where can I find more details on that?

You're right! That book is a comprehensive prep book for system design. That book features a new framework called the PEDALS Method™. You can read more about that new book here.

📖 [Now Available on Kindle] Decode and Conquer, 3rd Edition 📣 by Lewis Lin

Now Available on Kindle: D&C 3rd Edition

I'm happy to announce that the brand new Decode and Conquer 3rd edition, featuring the world-famous CIRCLES Method™, is now available on Kindle!

It features an expanded metrics and execution section with new techniques and examples. Furthermore, I've strengthened the strategy section and cleaned up the typos. All in all, about 15 to 20 percent of the new edition features new, rewritten content.

If you're still on the 2nd edition, this is the perfect time to upgrade your copy for only $9.99.

🍁 Fall Workshop Season

Fall is here. That means I'm hitting the road, visiting schools, and doing my half and full-day interview workshops. Here's what attendees are saying:

I am glad I went to your tech interview workshop! In those few hours, I learned more useful and relevant information than I have in the past quarter at Wharton!

Thank you for coming to Wharton and facilitating a wonderful workshop. I found it incredibly practical, clear, and easy to understand. And I was totally starstruck to meet you in-person. 

Thank you for conducting the PM workshop at Wharton yesterday. I enjoyed it a lot and learned many useful tips for the interviews. I also feel that attending the workshop helped me better appreciate Decode and Conquer.

Ask your tech club or career management center if I'm visiting your campus. If you attend, please introduce yourself. I'd love to say hello!


💪Interview Motivation

I got this in my inbox last week:

Hi Lewis, I received the PM offer from Google yesterday. Your books were amazing and helped me ace the interview. Thank you very much!

Here's what makes this interesting: many believe that you have to attend Stanford or Wharton to get a job at Google or Facebook. This reader didn't attend either.

You have access to the knowledge and prep plans to interview well. All you need is practice.Others have succeeded, so why not you?

Wishing you the best and be the greatest ever,

Lewis C. Lin

📖 [Now Available] Lewis C. Lin's New Book, Be the Greatest Product Manager Ever 🎉 by Lewis Lin

My new book, Be the Greatest Product Manager Ever, is now available! I've been working on this book for the past three years, so I'm happy to now share the book and my new ESTEEM METHOD™ framework with you.

If you're a new product manager, don't miss out on Chapter 3: Execution. You'll want to digest every single section including:

  • How to Start Every New Job

  • How to Figure Out What to Do

  • How System 1 & 2 Affects Your Work

Also, flip through Chapter 4: Superior Communication Skills. Standout PMs have superior communication skills; it's a competency you'll want to start early.

If you're an experienced product manager, flip through Chapter 3: Execution, but devour Chapter 4: Superior Communication Skills. Experienced product managers are more likely to get their first management role if they're strong communicators. Learn essential communication frameworks such as Situation-Complication-Resolution, Rule of Three, and the 5Ws and the H.

Then look ahead to Chapter 5: Tactical Awareness for a hint of what you need to perform to reach the Director level.

If you're a group product manager, review Chapter 4: Superior Communication Skills, but focus on Chapter 5: Tactical Awareness. Tactical awareness is all about the small difference that explain peak performance. When people say, "work smarter, not harder," what they mean is tactical awareness. Chapter 5 is where I share 32 little-known, yet magical tactics. These are the tricks that PM legends do, but others do not.

If you're a product management director, quickly read Chapter 5: Tactical Awareness, but focus on Chapter 6: Extraordinary Mental Toughness. The best directors can lead org-wide change, but doing so requires exceptional mental toughness. Learn my tips on how to persist when others perish.

If you're a VP of product management, skim through Chapter 5: Tactical Awareness and Chapter 6: Extraordinary Mental Toughness. But focus on Chapter 7: Exceptional Team Builder. As a senior executive, the CEO will expect you to build and nurture teams, especially ones that are depleted or suffering from poor morale.

If you're a CEO, skim through the chapters on tactical awareness, mental toughness, and team building. But focus on Chapter 8: Moonshot Vision. Your board of directors will want your inner Steve Jobs to build the next iPhone. It's easier said than done. I share my tips that will increase your chances of doing so.

Want to take a peek? Here's one of the most favorited passages in the book, from the Tactical Awareness section: The One Question You Need to Ask.

Lewis C. Lin

PS Big thank you to all the incredible people who reviewed my book including Aqil Pasha, Arvin Dwarka, Bessie Chu, Bonny Lai, Declan Nishiyama, Eran Lewis, Jacky Liang, Kathy Paceley, and Maitrayee Goswami. I couldn't have done it without you.

PPS Yes, the book is available in eBook (PDF) format.

The Truth About Mentors by Lewis Lin

Photo Credit: Kapil Goyal/Nan Stothard

Photo Credit: Kapil Goyal/Nan Stothard

Greetings! I finished up an interview workshop in Southern California. In the coming weeks, I'm headed to Nashville and Chapel Hill for more workshops. If you're attending, please swing by and say hello!

When I'm not traveling, I've been working hard on a new book that I'm releasing in 2019. This time it's not about interview prep; instead, it'll be focused on managing your career after you've landed that offer.

Below, you'll find a sneak peek from one of my favorite chapters: finding a mentor. What you'll read will resonate deeply with mid-career professionals. Late-career professionals will appreciate the excerpt if they've partnered with the perfect mentor; other late careerists might regret not having a mentor at this stage of their career.

Finally, those who are just beginning their careers might find the topic too advanced. However, it's something to keep your eye on, so you don't accidentally let a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip through your fingers.

Enjoy the excerpt,

Lewis C. Lin


Excerpt from Lewis' New Book

Your typical mentoring relationship
Almost all mentoring relationships are one-sided: the mentee asks for advice, which the mentor provides.

Given this typical dynamic, in the best case, the mentee gains valuable insights and answers. In the worst case, the mentee merely glorifies the mentor’s ego. Since mentors are often unfamiliar with the mentee’s day-to-day work, mentors dispenses generic and usually irrelevant advice.

Although the mentor gets the mentee’s admiration, the mentor can get frustrated too. When the mentee discards the relationship, the mentor can feel used.

When people say, “I want a mentor,” what do they really want? A sponsor. The terms mentor and sponsor are often confused.

Sponsors and protégés
Having a sponsor is different. The sponsor and protégé relationship is a bilateral, mutually beneficial relationship. First, they are well-aware of each other’s work because they work in the same company and organization.

The sponsor needs junior employees to achieve their objectives. Maybe the sponsor needs technical skills. Or perhaps they just need a humble individual who’s willing to do grunt work. The protégé rises to the challenge.

In return, the sponsor rewards the protégé with promotions and political air cover. And because the protégé holds a special place in the sponsor’s heart, the sponsor is eager to mentor and counsel the protégé.

The sponsor and protégé relationship is strong and enduring because they need one another.

Qualifications of a sponsor
It’s easier to get promoted if your sponsor has sufficient influence and organizational control. Sponsors are rarely your immediate manager. There are a few reasons why:

  • Your immediate manager may not have enough influence or opportunities to accelerate your career.

  • Your immediate manager has limited incentive to promote you to be his or her peer. At best, the manager will have to replace your missing productivity. At worst, the manager just promoted you to be her new rival.

In the rare situation where your immediate manager has enough influence and is not threatened by your rise, that person could be your sponsor.

How does one find a sponsor?

  • The sponsor is likely to be in your chain of command. It’d be odd for a sponsor to assign projects and promote a protégé that’s not within their organization.

  • Sponsors typically select you, not the other way around. Sponsors have their eye out for capable individuals who can take on special projects. Sponsors do not choose unremarkable performers. Find opportunities to shine and demonstrate your worth.

  • When you get your shot, don’t pass it up. Sponsors are looking for protégés more often than you think. Sponsors are ambitious, and they need help realizing their grand vision. Many protégé candidates unknowingly pass, unaware of the mutually beneficial relationship that could occur. A sponsor and protégé relationship will never be formally proposed or documented on paper. It’ll start casually and small, like a request to help with an important project. When you’ve been beseeched, don’t hesitate. Plunge in and give the sponsor a chance.

One last thing: is a sponsor and protégé relationship declared publicly? No. A typical sponsor and protégé pair implicitly understand what each one needs to do and what they’ll get out of it.

Your Prototypical Sponsor & Protégé Relationship: Harvey & Mike from The SuitsPhoto Credit: USA Network

Your Prototypical Sponsor & Protégé Relationship: Harvey & Mike from The Suits

Photo Credit: USA Network